Tennis Central offers a 8 week Junior Coaching program during school term time (6 week program during Term 3 in Winter) delivered by our highly qualified and experienced team of coaches.

What is Tennis Hotshots?

Tennis Hotshots is Tennis for kids!

It’s a program designed to help every child, no matter their age or ability, to jump in and start playing tennis.

Tennis Hotshots is played on smaller courts with modified equipment, including shorter lighter rackets, lower nets and low compression balls that don’t bounce too high. With four fun stages (Blue, Red, Orange and Green) your Tennis Central Coaching Team can help guide your kids through every step of the way!

Cost: $140 for 8 week program (only offered during Term 4 & Term 1).

  • 3-5 years
  • Please contact the Pro Store on 9328 6422 for an up-to-date schedule for session times.

A great introductory program for the young beginner tennis player! Focusing on:

    • Agility
    • Balance
    • Co-ordination
    • Speed
    • Racket skills
    • Spatial awareness
    • Fine/Gross motor skills
    • Improve self esteem
    • Improve social Skills

Cost $140 for 8 week program 

  • 5-8 years
  • Tuesday or Thursday 3:45pm – 4:30pm

Hot shots Red is aimed at players aged 8 years and under. It is played on small courts with modified balls and rackets. It is just like the real game and gives young players an opportunity to have long rallies and to develop tactics relevant to the full version of the game.

  • Court Size: 11m x 5.5m or 12m x 6m
  • Net Height: 80cm in the middle of the net
  • Ball: A foam or felt ball is used which is larger and 75% slower than a regular ball
  • Racket: A shorter racket of 19”- 23” is recommended depending upon the size and strength of the player

$160 for 8 week program 

  • 8-10 years
  • Tuesday or Thursday 4:30pm – 5:30pm

Hotshots Orange is a great way for players to continue their progress from Hotshots Red and it is aimed at players aged 8 to 10 years old.

It is played with shorter rackets and softer balls, whilst the courts are longer and wider than red ball tennis, they are still smaller than a full sized court, allowing young players to develop a rounded game whilst learning a range of techniques and tactics.

  • Court size: 18m x 6.5m
  • Net Height: 80cm in the middle of the net
  • Ball: An orange ball is used which is 50% slower than a yellow ball, giving players control at this early stage of development.
  • Racket: A 23”-25” racket is recommended depending upon the strength and size of the player.

$160 for 8 week program 

  • 9+ years
  • Tuesday or Thursday 5:30pm-6:30pm

Hotshots Green is a fantastic way for players to continue their development from Hotshots Orange. It is played on a full sized tennis court, with bigger rackets and balls that are only 25% slower than yellow balls. This is the final stage before players move on to yellow balls and it helps to develop and improve all aspects of their game.

  • Court size: Normal Sized Court
  • Net Height: Full net height
  • Ball: A green ball is used, which is 25% slower than a yellow ball.
  • Racket: A bigger racket of 25”-26” should be used.

$160 for 8 week program 

  • 12+ years
  • Please contact the Pro Store on 9328 6422 for an up-to-date schedule on session times.

Yellow Ball tennis is the complete version of the game played on a regulation size tennis court using full sized rackets and full yellow tennis balls. This is the perfect progression for players to develop from the Hotshots program or for older children looking to take up the game at a later stage.

The main focus at this stage is the technical developments and linking them with tactical situations within the game.

Court size: Normal Sized Court

Net Height: Full net height

Ball: A yellow ball is used.

Racket: A full sized racket of 27” should be used.

$205 for 8 week program 

  • Invitation only!
  • Performance Green Wednesday 4:00pm-5:30pm
  • Performance Yellow Ball Wednesday 4:00pm-5:30pm

Tennis Centrals performance program is aimed at the pennants or tournament player. Players are encouraged to play a minimum of 3-5 times per week.

The performance squads are run by our Director of Coaching, Ben McLaughlin, and the focus is for the players to develop technical and tactical components of their game whilst in a challenging yet fun environment.

Players participating in the performance program are encouraged to use their skills in competitive play by representing Robertson Park Tennis Club in junior pennants and regularly competing in tournaments.

Free for players enrolled in our Junior Coaching Program

  • Friday 4:00pm-5:30pm
  • During Junior Coaching Program Term dates (excluding Term 3).
  • $10 visitor fee for friends not currently enrolled in our coaching program

Open to all junior players from our Hot Shots Orange Program and above.

Structured drills and match practice opportunities under the guidance of our Tennis Central Coaching Team.

Simply the best way to Improve your game!

Junior Private Lesson Rates

  • Director of Coaching – $75 per hour / $65 per hour if your child is enrolled in the current Tennis Central Junior Coaching Program.
  • Senior Assistant Coach – $65 per hour
  • Assistant Coach – $55 per hour

We encourage parents to enrol their children into private lessons to accelerate their tennis development.

*$35 Cancellation fee applies if less than 6 hours notice is given.

Cost: 1x Day $40 | 5x days $200

  • 9:00am – 12:00pm (excluding Public Holidays)
  • Sessions offered 3 days per week during the school holidays
  • Please contact rptc@tenniscentral.com.au to obtain up-to-date schedule for School Holiday Program
  • Open to players aged 5 years and above and for all standards of player.

School Holiday Program – Schedule

9:00-9:15am              Registration & Warm Up

9:15-10:45am            Coaching Session 1

10:45-11:00am          Recess & Snack

11:00-12.00pm          Coaching Session 2

Bookings are essential | 9328 6422 or rptc@tenniscentral.com.au

Tennis Central enters Tennis West Junior Pennants teams through Robertson Park Tennis Club for the Summer and Winter seasons.

Matches commence Sunday mornings from 8:30am in Summer & 9:00am during Winter.

Playing for a team is a great vehicle to take a players game to the next level. The team element provides a positive experience of competition and appreciation of what the game is really about often fueling the player’s appetite to train better and improve faster!

Team matches start from Orange Ball level so players as young as 7 years of age can start to compete!

Players are encouraged to play/train at least 3 times per week including group lessons, pennants training and individual lessons.

Speak to our Tennis Central Team on 9328 6422 for more details.